Women, Back Pain, And Menopause

Apple Valley chiropractor

Women face several physical challenges due to their biological structure. However, one thing that sets them apart from their male counterparts and triggers a host of health concerns is their hormones. 

A woman’s fluctuating level of hormones has been connected to different health concerns, and it doesn’t get easier. Some women are significantly affected by their hormones, some may tolerate it better, but one thing’s for sure, it can affect them. Others may quickly link their hormones to whatever they feel, but it’s not always the case.

For example, back and lower pelvic pain are very common in women during menstruation. But hormones have nothing to do with this. Instead, the culprit is the hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. The uterus makes these to help the body heal from injury or stress. They are part of the body’s inflammatory response, a natural mechanism for healing. Albeit hormone-like, prostaglandins are made of fatty acids and can be found in body tissues such as the skin, stomach, and lungs.

If you’re a woman in your menopausal years, there’s a high chance that you will experience back pain at some point too. Research shows that as many as 80 percent of people experience low back pain at some point. Back pain is also seen to be more common in women than men across all age groups, which significantly increases with age. A significant percentage of women consult with an Apple Valley chiropractor.

For many women, back pain is linked to menopause. So, what’s the connection? And what can you do about it? Keep reading to find out.

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The Link Between Menopause and Back Pain

Decrease in hormone production

Menopause is characterized by a decrease in the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. This hormonal imbalance can cause many problems for women, including hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, mood swings, and—you guessed it—back pain. Some patients who think their pain is related to menopause consult an Apple Valley chiropractor to help ease their pain.

One of the ways that estrogen affects the body is by keeping bones healthy and strong. So, when levels of this hormone drop during menopause, it can lead to loss of bone density and which can lead to an increase in back pain. Estrogen also helps maintain body tissues with collagen, such as those found in the intervertebral discs.

Simply put, a woman’s estrogen level drop compromises bone health.

Low levels of Vitamin D

A study shows that Vitamin D deficiency is relatively high in postmenopausal women with a provisional osteoporosis diagnosis. Another study shows that Vitamin D deficiency is related to lumbar disc degeneration and lower back pain in postmenopausal women. 

Low Vitamin D in women can potentially trigger low back pain and can make the pain more severe. This vitamin is essential in keeping the body’s sufficient phosphorus and calcium levels. It also positively influences your bone density and bone strength and helps prevent the development of diseases such as osteoporosis and rickets.

We strongly recommend checking for vitamin deficiencies and considering food supplements to relieve low back pain and boost your musculoskeletal strength. This is especially important if you are postmenopausal.

As you know, a combination of low estrogen and vitamin D in women during menopause can impact back pain. This combination may also influence other lower back pain conditions, including degenerative disc disease or sciatica. So, it is highly recommended to manage your risks as best as possible is highly recommended.


Other possible causes of back pain that affect women

Menstruation or Uterine Dysfunction

Dysmenorrhea, which causes women severe cramping during menstruation and can also make a woman prone to back pain. This can be classified as primary or secondary, and low back pain can exist in both types.

  • Primary dysmenorrhea happens at the start of a woman’s period and continues throughout her life. The pain and discomfort of dysmenorrhea can happen every month and can bring severe menstrual cramping.
  • Secondary dysmenorrhea usually happens late due to other conditions such as endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease.


This chronic condition can bring bouts of back pain in women. Endometriosis happens when endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus and responds to the body’s hormonal changes. This can bring swelling, pain, spotting between periods, and bleeding. Endometriosis symptoms may happen at any menstrual cycle stage and can usually bring pelvic pain radiating down the legs. 


Back pain may be considered an uncomfortable yet normal part of pregnancy. This can be due to hormones, stress, and the tendency of your body’s ligaments naturally stretch and become softer to support labor. In addition, the additional forward weight as the baby grows may contribute to developing back pain in pregnant women.

Vertebral Subluxation

This is commonly referred to as misalignment in the bones, particularly the spine. A vertebral subluxation happens when one or more of the bones in the spine shifts out of misalignment, which can lead to stress and pressure in the spinal nerves and eventually affect the muscles, ligaments, and joints. This is when you will need an Apple Valley chiropractor.

Apple Valley chiropractor

Cornerstone Family Chiropractic: A Trusted Apple Valley Chiropractor

Women may experience back pain for several reasons, and taking necessary steps to avoid making your condition worse may be required. A visit to a reputable Specific chiropractic doctor’s office may help determine if your spine has been putting undue pressure on your nerves and muscles, which triggers back pain. A misaligned spine can happen gradually and can only be confirmed by a certified Specific chiropractic doctor.

Gentle chiropractic adjustments can relieve pressure from your nerves and surrounding parts, freeing you from back pain. It also prompts the body’s natural healing capability and supports healthy blood flow. In addition, an experienced Specific chiropractic doctor can correct misalignments and restore your spine’s balance and alignment, which supports optimum health. This is generally safe for all patients, even children, pregnant, or the elderly.

Your recommended adjustment is personalized and tailored fit to match your needs. Therefore an initial consultation and review of your health history are necessary. Call us at (651) 209-9710 to get started with your chiropractic care.

Getting regular Specific chiropractic adjustments may benefit you more than you can imagine. It may be essential to free you from the pain and discomfort you’ve endured for years, so don’t suffer in silence — take action and contact our Apple Valley chiropractor today! Your body will thank you.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Fellows, call our Eagan office at (651) 209-9710. You can also click the button below.