A Promising Solution to Recurring Back Pain

A Promising Solution to Recurring Back Pain


back pain relief in Apple Valley

Back pain is a common condition that happens to almost everyone at some point. If you experience back pain, you probably want to know what caused it and how you can work around it. Now, as a rule of thumb, your priority is to rule out the possible cause. Is it a severe underlying concern? Is it a simple case of a muscle strain?

To do this, you may want to set an appointment with your doctor or chiropractor so they can perform tests and diagnose correctly. After that, you will have a better understanding of your condition and determine how you can move forward to experience significant back pain relief in Apple Valley.

Let’s help you get started with your journey to healing or coping better with back pain with the help of our quick patient guide below.


Back Pain Differs from One Patient to Another

Back pain is usually not severe and will often go away on its own after a few days or weeks. However, some cases tend to recur or linger because of an underlying cause. It’s also common to experience several accompanying symptoms, such as:

  • Pain that worsens when you move or do even simple activities and eases with rest
  • Weakness in the leg muscles that lift one foot when walking (foot drop)
  • Numbness or tingling in the legs
  • Limited neck, head, and shoulder movements

We strongly suggest taking note of other symptoms you experience as they might come in handy during your consultation session with a physician or our chiropractic doctor.


Three Most Probable Causes of Back Pain

Back pain results from many different things. Here are the three most common and likely causes of your back pain problem.

#1. Injury or Fall

Back pain can be from an injury or trauma. Common types of injuries that can lead to back pain include straining a muscle when lifting something heavy, back injuries from sports, a fall, or a car accident. It can also result from muscle strain normal to those who participate in strenuous physical activity, such as preparing for a marathon or playing some intense sports.

#2. An Underlying Medical Condition

Back pain can also result from medical conditions such as:

  • Degenerative disc disease – Also known as the “wear and tear” on the discs in your spine, this condition affects aging individuals. It can limit the body’s range of motion and increase a patient’s susceptibility to sciatica.
  •  Osteoarthritis – A degenerative joint disease that causes chronic inflammation in the joints of your lower back and increases risks for nerve compression.
  • Spinal stenosis – Clinicians refer to this as the narrowing of the spinal canal. This condition can pressure your spinal cord and nerve roots and cause severe back pain.
  • Spondylitis – The inflammation at the junction between two vertebrae in your neck or lower back where they attach via the intervertebral discs.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and back pain, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

#3. Poor Posture

There are specific postures that put a lot of pressure on the lower back, which may lead to pain. For example, if you’re standing for a long time and don’t stretch your legs or take breaks every once in a while, you will feel pain in your lower back area.

Poor posture can cause some of the spinal bones to shift out of alignment, causing significant strain on the muscles, joints, and ligaments. Over time, this can lead to further issues such as nerve compression or damage.

To avoid these types of problems happening long-term, here are some tips you could follow:

Try stretching your arms when you can

Stretch your arms out in front for as far as they’ll go without straining yourself too much (no cheating!). Then, reach above your head and touch something high up like a door frame if possible (again, not straining). Repeat this stretch every day until it becomes natural for you!

Include simple shoulder exercises in your weekly routine

Rotate both shoulders forward and then backward several times each day until this becomes second nature too! Doing these two stretches together helps promote good posture by reminding you how to stand, walk, or sit without straining or compromising your spinal column structure.


Importance of Thorough Diagnosis

Getting a proper diagnosis is the first step to finding a potential source of back pain relief in Apple Valley. This will help you determine if your symptoms stem from an injury or simply a case of overexertion. Finding a suitable way to cope becomes more challenging if you don’t know the cause of your pain.

But how exactly can one get diagnosed? In most cases, doctors, therapists, or chiropractic physicians perform a thorough physical examination and imaging tests, such as X-rays or MRIs. The comprehensive analysis and body scans may reveal abnormalities such as bone spurs (small protrusions from bone), misaligned spinal bones, or ruptured discs.

The sooner you can undergo the diagnostic procedure, the quicker you can develop a care plan to alleviate your pain and live a happier and more fulfilling life.


Best Provider of Back Pain Relief in Apple Valley

The most sought-after back pain relief in Apple Valley is chiropractic care. It’s a practical, natural, and holistic approach to back pain, whatever the root cause. Specific chiropractic adjustments can help relieve your symptoms by removing pressure on nerves in the spine that may be causing inflammation and pain. The adjustment directly affects muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints to restore function and improve mobility without medication or surgery.

For quality specific chiropractic care in Apple Valley, visit Cornerstone Family Chiropractic! We offer trusted chiropractic care that has helped many people overcome their back injuries and chronic pain issues. We are a family-friendly clinic that is open Mondays from 1 pm to 8 pm, and Tuesdays through Thursdays from 8:30 am to 830 pm, and until 7:30 pm on Fridays. Set your appointment with us via phone at (651) 209-9710 or through our contact form.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Fellows, call our Eagan office at (651) 209-9710. You can also click the button below.